Contact List
Contacts in the contact list are grouped by date. The sort order of the displayed contacts depends on your group selection.
In general all contacts are sorted by the date of their associated last message (sent or received) in the folders of th...
Once you gave the permission to access the system address book, Unibox imports all contacts on every app launch.
By default Unibox creates internal contacts for all email addresses found in your messages. In order to combine messages of people ...
Unibox displays contact images (avatars) from contacts within your address book, from contacts that have a gravatar.com account or its own Domain Avatars service.
Many people use gravatar.com to associate their email address with a picture...
Unibox provides a backend service, so-called Domain Avatars, to check for icons of the domains of the sender address of your emails. Many company logos such as Amazon and Twitter icons will be displayed as avatar.
You can provide a Domain Avata...